Happy International Women's Day!
Here's a roundup of all the stuff TPG approves of this week.
Into The Gloss | Anti-Aging In Your Twenties: Too Much Too Soon?
Here's a roundup of all the stuff TPG approves of this week.
Into The Gloss | Anti-Aging In Your Twenties: Too Much Too Soon?
Image from Into The Gloss |
Into the Gloss did a great piece this week on anti-aging products, and when you should start using them. They get into the dangers of using things like retinols for long periods of time--which apparently end up thinning out your skin a lot. Although ITG does tend to favor expensive products and skin care, you can still take away lots of things from the post, like always protect your face from the sun!
Tracey Cox Sex Talk | 5 Sex Myths You Shouldn’t Believe
BodyTalk Daily is a premium YouTube channel for women focused on healthy living. Tracey Cox’s Sex Talk feature is so great and so refreshing! She speaks openly and honestly, in an obviously sex-positive and feminist way. This week she talked about sex myths, and let me say I learned a thing or two. Also check out her interview with Pixiwoo on their BodyTalk Daily feature. Seriously, this lady is awesome!
New York Times | The Good, Racist People
An editorial on racism inspired by Oscar-winner Forest Whitaker recently being accused of shoplifting in a New York deli. It’s a good reminder that for many people, dealing with racism is a constant and everyday struggle.
The Locals | The Best Dressed Dog
My favorite street style post of the week. What a cutie!
Image from The Locals |
And thanks to Pinterest, this week I’ve been OBSESSED with smoothies. This oatmeal smoothie recipe from Martha Stewart proved to be super tasty AND healthy. You really can have it all!
xoJane’s beauty column just launched as it’s own site, xoVain. I’ve been pretty obsessed with it this week. My favorite posts include the Wonder Woman tutorial (of course) and the post about Mexican beauty products at the drugstore. I use the Concha Nacar moisturizer almost every day!
Emerald Eyes |Sephora @ Pinterest
Since Pantone declared Emerald the color of the year, Sephora has been pretty focused on it. I saw on their Pinterest a tutorial using this color and I really loved it because I’m always trying to figure out how to incorporate green into an eye look. It’s difficult ok? The Hairpin | An Ode to the Diva Cup
I know we talked about the cup already here at TPG, but I just love everyone who loves the Diva Cup. So if you didn’t find our post convincing, check out this one. Heather writes a really funny and great post about it, including telling us which way her vaginal canal swings.
Hulk Princess | Fashionably Geek
Last weekend was Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle and I think this little girl wins the most awesome cosplay award. Who said you can't be a princess and superhero fueled by rage?
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